Panel Discussion | Back to basics: Rediscovering the power of  untapped ingredients

Panel Discussion | Back to basics: Rediscovering the power of untapped ingredients

Fi Conference Theatre, 4.2F30
Plant-based and Alternative ProteinsReformulationSustainability


How can going back to basics drive innovation and redefine the future of food? As the demand for healthier and more sustainable food products grows, product developers are turning to new, traditional, and previously untapped ingredients for fresh waves of inspiration.

This session explores the potential of these hidden gems to revolutionise health and sustainability, from ocean-farmed seaweed to nutrient-rich, forgotten crops from different corners of the world. How can food and beverage brands unlock the power of untapped ingredients to bring natural, nutrient-dense solutions to market?

Our panel of experts will delve into the regulatory landscape surrounding novel and traditional ingredients, explore strategies for consumer acceptance, and highlight innovative methods of enhancing product functionality.

The Fi Europe Europe Conference is free to attend - join us!

Session underwritten by Kerry.

Event Type
Fi Europe Conference
Fi Conference Theatre, 4.2F30

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